Wednesday, May 14, 2014


                                                                                                          1(Natural News) It’s been observed that even former smokers who quit years ago have traces of lung damage.
Even if one has never smoked, second hand cigarette smoke, industrial pollution, vehicular exhaust fumes and now chemtrails with downward drifting heavy metal nano-particles all contribute to some level of lung damage for almost everyone.
So whether you once smoked or never puffed on chemical-laden, radioactive (from the fertilizer) tobacco, detoxing and regenerating lung tissue may still be appropriate for you.
By the way, the notion that lung damage is irreparable is not true. With proper nourishment and nurturing, your lungs can repair damaged tissues eventually.

Different do-it-yourself detox and regeneration methods

(1) Lifestyle changes are in order as a foundation for any recommended remedies to have significant and lasting effects. Use Natural News to get up-to-date with food information.
The best way to avoid most chemicals, GMOs, artificial sweeteners, high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), excess sugar and bad salt is to eliminate junk and processed foods and sodas. Minimize meat, dairy and wheat to reduce excess mucus. Adding ginger, onions, garlic and cayenne helps eliminate excess mucus as well.
Exercise more outdoors, away from traffic if possible. Breathing exercises can be used to help strengthen lung tissue. Yoga offers some, and there are others as well. Natural News has a plethora of information here (
(2) Eliminate household toxins that are part of detergents, cleansers, bleaches and chemically scented “air fresheners” (
There are many chemical free substitutes available at health food stores, even Target has a few on hand. Ditto for cosmetics and bodycare products. Buy only aluminum free deodorants for starters.
Pesticides must go as well, and there are alternatives that aren’t toxic for humans (
All toxic commercial pesticides emit caustic gases or vapors (off-gassing) that irritate the lungs.
(3) Improve your indoor air, which can be even worse than outdoor air. Try to replace carpeting with other flooring or at least vacuum and steam clean often. Beware of furniture or clothing that’s been fire proofed. Flame retardants off-gas carcinogenic compounds.
You may want to look into commercial air cleaners ( Or simply get some nice indoor plants that add life to your dwelling while removing toxins (
(4) Herbal remedies for lung issues are abundant. You’ll need to determine which type of herb is appropriate for your situation.
Antitussive herbs reduce respiratory spasms; expectorant herbs loosen mucus; demulcent herbs sooth irritated tissue; and antimicrobial herbs resolve infections.
Here’s a good overall guide for respiratory healing herbs (
Licorice root is one that pretty much covers all those attributes. It can create side effects for some because of its glycyrrhizin content. But licorice extract products are available with the glycyrrhizin removed. This is known as deglycyrrhizinated licorice or DGL licorice.
Lobelia, ironically known as Indian tobacco, helps clear the airways for easier breathing. It even works for asthma attacks (
(5) Detoxing is necessary for any regeneration or rebuilding. Eliminating or reducing your toxic load relieves your immune system and allows the process of growing new tissue to occur.
Item (1) of this article is an absolute prerequisite to detoxifying. Then, foods such as chlorella and cilantro consumed often can help detoxify heavy metals, especially from the liver. Zeolite in its raw powder form (not liquid) is very useful.
Make sure you drink plenty of purified fluoride free water and find ways to sweat more. If you can, use a far infrared sauna somewhere; you’ll have the best level of sauna. But conventional sauna’s still do the job.
Natural News has plenty of detox advice here (
(6) Serrapeptase enzymes are very powerful enzymes capable of eating up scar tissue, heavily calcified tissue or hardened mucus deposits. It provided a dramatic turn-around for a British emphysema patient a few years ago.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

The lymph system consists of lymph nodes, lymph vessels, and organs. The primary jobs of the lymphatic system are to isolate and fight infections, and to absorb excess fluid, fat and debris from our bodies. As these materials build up in the lymph system, it may become congested or blocked. Because the lymph system cleanses our entire body, symptoms of a blocked system can manifest in many ways from frequent cold and infections to joint pain. Follow healthy nutritional and lifestyle guidelines to cleanse and rejuvenate your lymph system.

Clean up your diet to cleanse your lymphatic system

A healthy diet produces less waste for your lymph system to clean up, reducing your chances of congestion.
•Avoid processed foods that are high in salt, sugar and preservatives.
•Replace simple sugars and carbohydrates with whole grains, complex carbohydrates and fruit.
•Identify any food allergies you may have and avoid eating those foods.

Drink 6 to 8 glasses of filtered or purified water daily
Your body needs to be well hydrated to keep your lymph system operating properly.

Practice deep breathing from your diaphragm and through your nose to keep your lymph fluids moving
Learn proper breathing techniques to get the proper amount of oxygen throughout your body.

Get regular physical exercise
Jumping up and down on a trampoline or playing jump rope for 5 minutes a day is great for your lymph system. Other moderate exercise, such as walking and stretching, is also helpful if done regularly.

Relax in a sauna or steam bath and let your body sweat out toxins to cleanse your system

Wear clothing that fits properly
Tight clothing restricts your lymph system and contributes to blockage. For the same reason, women should avoid under-wire bras and try to wear no bra for at least 12 hours each day.

Deal with stress, depression and other emotional issues
Just like a congested lymph system can lead to emotional problems, so can the reverse occur. Sometimes when we are stuck in stress or other emotional issues, these feelings manifest in physical problems.

Consider alternative therapies
•Acupuncture has been found to do wonders for keeping our lymph system flowing.
•Regular treatment from a massage therapist who is familiar with lymph drainage massage is a great way to keep your entire body healthy and your lymph system running smoothly.

Do a detox and colon cleanse treatment following manufacturer instructions
•Choose one that is supported by liver enzymes to ease the burden on your liver and kidneys, and to decrease the pressure they place on your spleen.

Do you know????
•The appearance of cellulite is often a sign of a congested lymph system. Massage the areas of your body where the cellulite exists, as well as the lymph nodes in your groin to help improve the condition.
•Self massage can also be beneficial to cleanse your lymph system, especially if done around your abdomen and breasts.

Here's Some Apple Cider Vinegar Cleanse(s)

1 cup water
1-2 caps full of ACV
(I make my ACV with 32 ounces of water)
8 ounces equals 1 cup
You can mix honey with it for taste

Here's another ACV technique

In the blender put:

1 cup apple cider vinegar (organic unfiltered)
1 cup raw honey (local is best)
8 cloves of garlic

Mix it for 1 minute on high speed. Put it in a glass container and keep it in the refrigerator for five days. Now, take 2 teaspoons every morning before breakfast - be sure to mix it in water or juice. Diluting it makes it very easy to take.

The other recipe is:

•Chop a small onion and a few cloves of garlic. Put them in a jar and fill the jar with honey. Let it sit for a couple of weeks. You can use this honey which becomes kind of thin and syrupy just to eat as is, with or without straining.
•Or add 2/3 cup of raw apple cider vinegar to 1/3 cup of the honey mixture that has been strained. Dilute 1 Tablespoon of the mixture in juice or water and drink it every morning.